About Photo-Honey
Hi, my name is Michelle Deaton, and this is my creative initiative: Photo-Honey. Based in Pensacola, Florida and incorporated in September 2011; Photo-Honey's ongoing focus is primarily portrait photography. Beginning October 2012 through December 2013, Photo-Honey will be working on a new image collection of Pensacola icons. Stay tuned...
About the Artist
My first declaration when I began my college career, "I am going to be a graphic designer." The university I attended tailored a fine arts program to support my decision: 2-D and 3-D design, photography, illustration, art history, etc. Sometime during my college years, I started to worry, "How will I support myself with an art degree?" Luckily, a new degree plan for the university emerged: Digital Media. The coursework incorporated the Adobe Creative Suite and technical writing into the mix. I immediately switched, graduated, and began working a paying job as a web designer for the University. Starting 2005, I began supporting military clients as a Media Specialist and Solutions Director. I continued on with my education to receive a Master's Degree and continue to support military clients to this day. If there is any more that you would like to know about me; my style; or services, please call (850) 292-1122.
With l♥ve, Photo-Honey |